Saturday, February 5, 2011

Girls' Night Out

Last night Kayleigh wrote a status on facebook that stated, "So tonight was like one of the best nights of my life!" I can't express how much her words meant to me. I am so glad that I was a part of an evening that she enjoyed so much. Last night was girls' night out with Nikki, Kayleigh, Sydney, and me.

These three ladies are quite entertaining. I can't remember the last time I have laughed so hard.

The agenda was simple.

Dinner at Which Wich (Nikki and Sydney had never eaten there), shopping at Target, getting treats from Publix, and watching the movie Flipped. Kayleigh and Sydney spent the night with Nikki.

Yes. I got to go home.

Here are some highlights of the evening:

I forgot to take a picture of our decorted bag on the wall. 
Kayleigh drew a stick figure picture of the four of us holding hands.

The girls got these crazy things from the dollar section. 
I have no idea what it is or why they put it on their heads.

Styling and profiling in their convict attire.
Kayleigh has her dress on backward.
I don't think things like that matter in jail though.

Who knew that Target could be so fun?

Nikki bought sharp cheddar cheese sticks for her snack.

True or false?


Quincy Sorensen said...

The coolest mom and aunt EVER!

Carlyle Clan said...

False - I would say maple nut goodies for her snack!

Meredith said...

You girls are so funny!! Which Wich and Target- all in the same day? Of course it was the best night ever!!