Thursday, February 19, 2009

Love Ya

Brad surprised me with dancing lessons.

The other day at play group, my friend Betsy was delighted to report to us that little Emma Grace said, "Love ya," for the first time. We were all thrilled with this important milestone for them. What we didn't expect was Cozette's response. Her timing we perfect.

"Yuh ya!"

I looked at Betsy and her eyes were as big as mine with surprise.

"I think Cozette just said love ya," I squealed.

Betsy agreed and then Cozette said it again.

Kayleigh and Everett are quite taken with Cozette's newest phrase. When Everett was getting ready to leave for school this morning he told Cozette he loved her.

"Yuh ya," she quickly responded.

It amazes me, that from the earliest age, our little ones can acknowledge an expression of love. Cozette understands love because she sees love expressed every day.

She watches as I kiss Kayleigh and Everett and greet them with a big hug when they return home from school.

She laughs when her Daddy gives me a big smooch.

She sees Kayleigh and me scratching each other's backs. Kayleigh will hold her arm out to Cozette and say," Cozette will you tickle my arm?" Cozette immediately rubs Kayleigh's arm with her little hands.

When Cozette awakes from her nap, she lovingly pats us on our shoulder as we lift her up and greet her with a kiss.

We have kissed her a trillion times.

And now she knows how to say, "yuh ya."

What she doesn't know is that because of loving her, we have a better understanding of the love our Savior has for us.

For that, I am truly grateful.


Meredith said...

Jeannie, I love your blog - it is sooooo pretty! Yuv ya is the cutest thing I have heard all day. She is lucky to have such loving examples all around her. She is one loved centerpiece!

Quincy Sorensen said...

I love this story, Blog Master! That will be our new phrase . . . we have said, "That's a goog igea!" for many years. Juelle even says it!

Will you show me how to add the signature?

Love ya!