Sunday, May 6, 2012

Everett is Officially a Teenager

Just about the time I was ready to catch up on blogging, our computer caught a terrible virus. I could not figure out for weeks, why I couldn't access my blog. To make a log story short, this explains my absence. I am sad that I have not documented some of our family events this year, such as my 43rd birthday. I can't find the pictures. We have lost many documents and files.  

Everett did turn thirteen! He is a teenager now. I do believe he is the cutest boy on this planet. He was recently called to be the president of the deacons quorum. He takes this responsibility very seriously. 


Easter Sunday

I have missed blogging!


1 comment:

Quincy Sorensen said...

I am sooooooooooooo glad you are able to blog again. I have missed the virtual you!

Everett IS the cutest boy on the planet! He really does look so old and so cute in that picture! I think the plate picture is pretty funny.