When Everett was five years old, he noticed the numbers on the digital clock in our bedroom and asked, "Mommy, what in the world time is one, one, one, one?"
It was a delightful teaching moment.
The next day he noticed the clock at the same time.
"Look, Mommy, it's 11:11," he informed me.
Coincidentally, it happened again the following day.
11:11 has become a very special time for our family. For years, the numbers represented the four of us. We even created the 11:11 dance. Actually, it's more like a chant where we clap and say the time over and over to a silly tune. Whoever notices the time 11:11 first, starts chanting really loud so everyone in the house can hear it. The tradition has been that we stop whatever it is we're doing, to join in the dance. When the clock turns 11:12, we immediately stop the chant and dance to say, "OK, the party is over."
Then we continue on as normal.
I have mentioned to Kayleigh and Everett that when they leave to go to college, they will have to call home at 11:11. Once, I found a pair of pants on sale for Everett and the total amount was $11.11.
He thought that was really cool.
I have been anticipating the day when Everett turns 11 years old. I will wake him up in the morning by doing the 11:11 chant.
Where has the time gone?
Everett is a good boy. Today, he spent time with handicapped children who would like to play baseball. He told me he loved running the bases with them. "I really like spending time with these children." His words are simple, yet it means so much to me knowing that he is able to appreciate his blessings and understand the value of service at a young age.
He brings joy to my heart.
We celebrated his birthday a day early.
Here are some favorite quotes of the evening:
She redecorated the birthday table quite a bit today!
"These are very stylish cupcakes."
"This looks like professional pizza."
"This pizza is pretty good."
(*note: When Brad says something is "pretty good" then I know I've done good!)
"I can't find one fault with this pizza.
It's absolutely delicious."