Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Do You Miss Myrtle?

The Simpson family.

While we were driving to Seagrove Beach, Florida, Cozette looked at Nikki and casually asked, "Nikki, do you miss Myrtle?" Cozette was worried that she wasn't going to like this beach as much as Myrtle Beach. Over the past year, she has asked me several times for coins, so she can throw them in the fountain. When I ask what she wished for, she always responds, "I want to go back to Myrtle."

The trip seemed extra long this year, because we drove at night. Everett decided to eat tomato basil Wheat Thins that smelled up the van. After a while, we discovered that he was purposely putting them in the air vent. I tried not to laugh.

Thanks to some friends of Nikki's, we stayed in a beautiful condominium that was literally on the beach. We were so close that we could walk back and forth with ease. It was a luxury to experience the beach this way.

Cozette the beach bunny.

Cozette asked her Daddy to bury her with sand. 
It surprised me that she did not mind getting sandy.

The waves were extraordinary our first day. I believe that it was due to tropical storm Don.
As the weekend progressed, the water became more and more calm.   
When we left on Sunday, the water was so still, that it almost looked like a lake.

We could see this wedding from our back porch.
 It was the first wedding I have ever witnessed on a beach.

Our family picture.

On Friday evening, we went to a carnival at Panama City Beach. 
Brad took the kids on a banana boat ride the next day.

A miracle happened at the beach--my long lost curls returned!

Nikki and Kayleigh performing a magical trick with their glasses.

This picture was taken in honor of Quincy.

We loved the quaint homes along the beach in Seaside.

Cozette said at the end of the trip that she didn't miss Myrtle so much.

1 comment:

Quincy Sorensen said...

TOTALLY AWESOME! Cozette looks so cute in hers swimsuit I could take a bite out of her! I also really like your family picture and curls. I laughed when I saw my sign! There is also a Quincy Avenue at Seaside. I'm pretty popular down there, I guess.