Monday, January 26, 2009

33 Cheers for Meredith

Happy Birthday, Meredith.

It would be my sincere wish that everyone could have wonderful sisters-in law. I have been blessed with three: Barbara, Dawn, and Meredith. Today is Meredith's birthday. I hope that you will be blessed with all that you hope for. It is important for me to say that if it were not for her, I would never have started my blog. She taught me everything I need to know.

Thank you for being my true friend.

And for being my go-to person for all things considered crafty.

I also love you because you're not afraid of calories and like to eat a lot like I do.

If you were here, I would bake you a GREAT BIG birthday cake. I would take half and give you the other half.

We would not gain a single pound!

Jeannie and Meredith


Quincy Sorensen said...

Happy birthday, Meredith! Hooray! We love Meredith! 33 cheers for Mere!

Meredith said...

You just made my day. What would I do without you? Certainly I wouldn't eat as much on vacation without a partner in crime! :) Thank you thank you thank you!!! I love you more than words can say.