Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Geese Came A Callin'

Truth be told, when you hear honking outside your door, it could very well be your fine feathered friends!

Please do come in and make yourself at home.

Mommom and Papa came for a visit, and the geese thought they would join us. Their arrival was a most pleasant surprise. I hate talking about my new friends, but I must admit they were not the most well mannered guests. They left a little present for us to clean up outside my front door...

You never can tell what surprises the day will bring!


Meredith said...

Well, I'll be!!! What a fun surprise - thanks for sharing!

Quincy Sorensen said...

What DELIGHTFUL pictures! This is hilarious . . . where did they come from? I wish I could have been there when you opened the front door and saw geese!

Betsy Baugh said...

Jeannie I can't believe you got that picture. How fun. I'm not sure Emma Grace would have gotten so close. What a surprise.

Mary-Faith said...

Thta's a great picture! It's amazing they came right up to your front door!