Friday, May 8, 2009

Works of Art

This week's Friday folder
brought home two surprises. Everett was especially excited for me to see his art work. He explained how this picture is his silhouette.

"Can't you see that this is my profile?" He asked.

"It looks just like you!" I responded.

Then, I gave him a big hug and expressed how artistic he is.

He continued to tell me that he drew pictures that represent his favorite things:

Baseball, Under Armour, pizza, drawing, and other fun stuff.

Sailboat scene

Everett shared with me how much he loves drawing. He then quickly excused himself to go play. I asked him why he was in such a hurry. I discovered there were some sketchy grades that he was hoping I would not see.

He almost got away!


Meredith said...

What a talented nephew we have! It DOES look just like him! And really, he is a couple kinds of crafty - the art, and the sneaking away...

Quincy Sorensen said...

Okay, those are FANTASTIC! That top artwork seriously looks like Everett. Way to go and very creative, Everett!