I am swimming in the ocean,
the waves sound like thunder.
The waves are the color of the sky,
crashing onto the shore.
I feel small.
The waves are overpowering me.
It was fun playing in the waves.
~Everett Simpson
Keeping a writer's journal is a requirement for Everett now that he is in the 5th grade. When he shared his notebook with me, I was struck with the impression that he is honestly attempting to express his thoughts. His sentences are written in his neatest handwriting. He even taped pictures of himself on the front of it.
His face was beaming as I read his poems. Everett also explained to me how to write a stanza in poetry.
I almost started to cry.
'This is excellent, Everett! You're a talented writer. May I share this on my blog?"
"No way!" He was adamant.
"Why not?" I was perplexed.
"It's private." He said.
This was his final answer.
So, I bribed him.
He eventually agreed to let me share his beautiful poem about waves.
I think we are very lucky!
I read this beautiful poem through two times before I realized that Everett was the poet. Tell him his aunt is soooooooo impressed. Maybe he will write a poem for me?
very impressed.. thanks everett for sharing. :)
wow! i am quite impressed with everett's writing skillz. he is so well-rounded!
As I read this dreamy poem about the ocean, I wondered what talented poet Jeannie was quoting. As I scrolled down farther and saw the author was Everett, I was very impressed with two things: 1. That Everett is a very talented writer. 2. That Everett let his mom put it on the blog at all! Bravo, Everett!
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